Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Head, shoulders, Knees and toes

As you all know or now have done, some twice - Leane ;) our new unit of Inquiry is on How the world works where we have been focusing on the complexity of the machine/system that is our body. So far we have looked at our skeleton; what it does and how it is put together, as well as our muscles. Have also learnt how both systems work together so we are able to move. At the moment we are looking at our joints and what role they play.

Last week groups were given a task to build a working leg with some materials (elastic bands, paper clips, dowel rods, rubber tubing, and popsicle sticks). This was a bigger challenge than we first thought, but in the end we all able to make working models (with a little help).

This week taped up our thumbs to see just how much we need them. We discovered that we need them a lot! During the experiment we had some tasks that we had to do, colour in a picture, button up a button, tie a shoelace, zip up a zip and a few others. Some we found only a little bit harder than normal while other tasks were almost impossible to do! I think we all know have a new appreciation of our opposable thumbs! You can find out more about thumbs and who has them HERE

Drawing, a bit hard but something we could do without too much trouble

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