Thursday, October 25, 2012


Hi everyone,

as you know tomorrow is the last day of international week and as we have been looking at Shanghai, I thought that I would bring in some Chinese food. The problem is that my bamboo steamers are so small it is going to take a long time heat up all of them. If you have a steamer at home would it be possible for your child to bring it into school tomorrow?

*If you have chop sticks please bring them in*

I have tried to buy food that covers all the special needs of the class so we can all try a bit. Here is what I have bought;

  • Pork buns
  • Vegetarian buns (no meat)
  • Rice noodles (no wheat)
  • prawn dumplings (no wheat)
  • noodle spring rolls (no wheat)

Monday, October 22, 2012

weekly letter

Firstly I would like to thank all the students and parents for the well wishes and cards that I have received over the last three weeks. As requested, I will post a photo of little Oscar up as soon as I log into the blog on my phone.

Last week was spent going over a few things that needed to be finished from the last two weeks. One thing that we did was to explore the school. To begin with we drew maps of the school and coloured in areas according to how often we visited an area (often, sometimes, never). As a class we then voted on the two areas that we have never been which we most wanted to visit. The two areas that the class picked were the basement opposite the boiler room and a steel door with a big padlock next to the computer room. The students had three tasks, 1. write what they thought was in each room and why 2. write down what they saw, smelt and felt when they when into each room and 3. how can they use their new knowledge in the future.

The class was surprised to find the basement room well lit, fresh and full of cleaning supplies and spare school chairs and tables. The room with the large padlock was dark, musty and looked like a safety room from the 1950's. Everyone had fun drawing maps, remembering places that they have been in the school and exploring new areas.

It was great to see that everyone did a great job on exploring an area in their neighbourhood. I was also pleasantly surprised to hear how many parents took an interest in this homework as well.

Since the start of the year for half an hour each Monday we have been helping PYP 1 with their reading. Each of us has a Year 1 friend that we help. Last Thursday we meet up with our Year 1 friends in the computer room to help with a computer programme for their Inquiry. By the end of the lesson we found that we had just as much fun and learnt as much as the Year 1's did!

Week 43

This week we will be focusing on mapping and coordinates which will help us in our latest Inquiry. We will also continue with writing in our Explorer journals (even if it makes the room smell like old coffee and burnt paper :) ), as well as our Inquiry into Exploration. We will spend some time combining grammar with case studies on Explorers that changed the world.

Week 43 is International week and our floor is the Continent Asia. The class has voted to turn the class room into the city of Shanghai for the week. We will be need to do a lot of research over the week for us to do this. If you have any ideas, knowledge or anything to contribute to our mini Shanghai please let me know. The two things that we have come up with so far have been the dragon festival and dumplings!

Please remember that school will be as normal on Wednesday during developmental talks. (Parents) please turn up to the talks with an idea of what you think your child is good at in school, what you think they need to work on and three goals you think they might like to achieve. Each student has a work sheet where they have filled this out for themselves,  there is also a place for the parents and teacher to do the same. At the end of the talk each student will have three goals that they will try to achieve between now and next developmental talk.

On Friday we will be having snack in the class and all students are encouraged to bring in something that has some cultural significance to them like baklava, short beard, surströmming, etc that they can share with everyone else. In the afternoon we will be having a Halloween party with spooky activities. Some parents have spent a lot of time and energy organising this party and they have my gratitude for doing so, thank you.

Expect loads of photos next news letter.

Finally, week 44 is school holidays!

Homework week 43

Homework due on Thursday:

  • Maths: Complete both maths sheets on graphs and coordinates. Remember to take your time with filling this in and don't forget that your read the coordinates X axis, Y axis (across then up) read below for a parent update on reading graphs

click on this picture for a kids only way to remember how to read coordinates!

  • Literacy: bring in a newspaper article to study in class. It doesn't have to a new one or on any specific subject.
  • Spelling sheet + free choice to learn the five challenge words on whiteboard

Homework due Friday
  • Reading diary

Homework due over the whole week
  • Information on Shanghai to help the class convert the classroom into the city for International week.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Developmental Talks

Edit: the post will be updated with times that have been taken.
Dear Parents,
as you know we will be having our developmental talks next Wednesday 24th October.
This year talks will be for 15 minutes a student and focus on their chosen goals and how they will work to meet them between now and the next developmental talks in Spring. Over the coming week the students will reflect on the work that they have achieved so far this year and start to identify their strengths and weaknesses. From this students will pick three areas that they feel that they would like to improve on.

In the talk your will discuss these self assessments with you as well how as teachers and parents we can support them to obtaining their goals.

Developmental talk day will start at 8.30 because of some circumstances I have had two requests two meet earlier. So at 8.00-8.15 I will be meeting Liam's parents and at 8.20-8.35 I will be meeting Max's parents.

If you can not attend the day please email me so we can arrange a meeting at a new time (two people have done this so far)
(8.00-8.15 Liam)
(8.20-8.35 Max)
Here is the day
8.35-8.50 Antoine
8.50-9.05 Kasper
9.05-9.20 Vida
9.20-9.35 Leane
9.35-9.50 Emily
10.05-10.30 break
11.00-11.15 Begad
11.15-11.30 Lena
11.45-12.00 Marco
12.00-12.15 Romaric
12.15-12.30 Jalina
12.30-13.30 lunch
13.30-13.45 Charlie
13.45-14.00 Ryusei
14.00-14.15 Yannik
14.15-14.30 Benoit
14.30-14.45 Lyam
14.45-15.00 Kavya

People who are booking  for another day; Sasha - 8.05, 23rd Oct; Mona - 14.40, 23rd Oct; Hedvig - 14.40, 25th Oct; Marie(no time yet); Hikari (no time yet),  

From 15.00 I have a staff meeting, If you can not make it until after 15.00 please email me and I arrange to meet during staff meeting time.

Please leave your time request in the comments box below

Monday, October 1, 2012

To boldly go where no man has gone before

Did you know: Shatner did a cover of Pulp's Common People

This week we will be starting our second unit of inquiry. Here is a brief overview of the unit

Transdisciplinary theme: where we are in place and time

The concepts and related concepts that we will be looking at over this unit are; causation, connection, reflection, impact, discovery and exploration

The attitude that has been picked for this unit is communicator

The central idea; Explorers can face a variety of challenges during voyages of discovery

Over the next six weeks we will be looking into and discovering why humans explore, what challenges we face doing it and what are the consequences of our actions. We will be looking into all different types of exploration from Ferdinand Magellan to the new Mars rover. We will also be doing some case studies of explores that have shaped the world (for better or worse), as well as become explores ourselves. This unit ties in very well with both our literacy (journal writing) and Maths (graphing and coordinates).

Here is a sneak-peek of how we will be kicking off the unit. 
At first glance the opening scene to the original movie (1977!) does not have much of a connection to exploration but what the main aim of this is to get students to start to think about what is out there. Where had this ship come from and where was it going? what unexpected surprises await an explorer?

 I remember watching this movie on VHS (or was it Betamax?) at my friends house over and over again each time thinking, 'what really is on a Galaxy far, far away?' If the students start asking these types of questions then we are on the right track.


As mentioned we will be starting our new unit in Mathematics this week. We will be expanding our knowledge of multiplication as well as learn about grid points and coordinates. Here are all the learning goals for this unit. I have highlighted the one that we will be focusing on over the next two weeks

Learning outcomes
  • Model multiplication of whole numbers
  • Use language of multiplication
When applying understanding
  • Use mental and written strategies for multiplication in real life situations
  • Select an efficient method for solving a problem, e.g. mental estimation, metal or written strategies, or by using a calculator.
Pattern and Function
Learning outcomes
  • Understand that multiplication is repeated addition
  • Understand the inverse relationship between multiplication and division
  • Understand the associative and commutative properties of multiplication
Transferring meaning
  • Describe the rule for a pattern in a variety of ways
  • Represent rules for patterns using words, symbols and tables
When applying understanding
• select appropriate methods for representing patterns, for example using words, symbols and tables
• use number patterns to make predictions and solve problems
Grid points and coordinates
Data handling
Learning outcomes
understand that scale can represent different quantities in graphs
Transferring meaning
identify, read and interpret range and scale on graphs

I am not sure when I will be updating the blog again in the next two weeks but I will try to add bits of information as it pops up that I think might help students understand a concept in literacy  Maths or POI. I have a few links on explores and exploration that will be put up when I next have a chance. If you know of any good websites please could you write them in the comments page so I can add them to the list. As much as I am looking forward spending two weeks at home with my newly extended family, I feel a bit sad that I will be missing what is going to be two fun weeks in school. 

See you all in the unknown :)

homework week 40

Homework this week

Maths: Maths practice book: p. 50 questions 1 – 9 (for most, some students have taken the challenge work sheet, one side at least needs to be completed) and p. 52 (for all) due Thursday.

Language: Make an explorers journal, make it look like it’s genuine (i.e. explorer from 200 years ago, space explorer) Due Thursday. 

Poi: Parents, before you child goes off to do this activity please make sure they tell you exactly where they are going. I have told them that they are only allowed to go explore safe places and if they are unsure to ask you or someone older to accompany them. 

Find a place around your house or area that you have not been before (like that small beach, little park down the road or small forest). Write a short report about it. Explain
  1. why you want to go there, what do expect to find, what is something new you hope to learn (like a short cut to the bus, good place to build a cubby house, etc)
  2. what do you see going there, how do you feel?
  3. What do you see when you get there, what is you impressions?
  4. What have you learnt?
Use words and drawings and/or pictures and/or diagrams  or all three to help you to write your report. Due Thursday

Spelling: Spelling sheet due Thursday

Reading diary; Due Friday

I know have a date for our developmental talks; they will be held on Wednesday, 24th of October. I will send a reminder and add an electronic sign-up sheet when I get back to school.